The track work is complete and the track is now open
A big thankyou to all who volunteered their time and skills. 


The first part of the track works as progressed well with ground leveling at Woolshed, moving of tyre barriers and the erecting of new fence posts up to the kink

The track will REMAIN CLOSED this week as work progresses levelling the runoff of the kink.

A second working bee is required Saturday 13 July from 9:00am to finish the new fencing once the levelling has been completed


During July work is required to ensure the track can be run safely, which includes the installation of new fencing and adjusting the runoff in Woolshed corner.

These upgrades will  temporarily affect access to the track, and tyres barriers and fences will need to be removed to allow the upgrade to take place.

As such will require the track to be CLOSED until these repairs are complete.

To assist with these repairs ALL MEMBERS are encouraged to assist with a working bee on SATURDAY JULY 6 from 9:00am (Unless raining)

A follow up working bee on the weekend following will also be required, pending the successful installation of the fence posts. (More info will be provided)

Next Committee Meeting

The next committee meeting will be on Wednesday July 10 at 8:00pm in the Haddon club rooms