A big thankyou to everyone that took part in the AGM and contributed to the running of the club.
We are very pleased to announce that Mal Mason is the incoming president.

2019-2020 Club Positions
President: Mal Mason
Vice President - Bill West
Treasurer: Kev O'Donohue  
Secretary: Paul Feely
Race Secretary: Debbie Page  
Scrutineer: Greg Ord
New license and new member liaison: Bill West
Canteen manager: Michelle Shields  
Track inspector: Mal Mason
KV Delegates: Luke Fong
VCS/Secondary KV Delegate: Paul Feely
Trophies: Bill West

Working groups
Grants coordinator: Paul Feely (Others: Bill West)
Publicity, social media and comms coordinator:: Paul Feely (Others: Bill West. Mal Mason)
Social activities coordinator : Dan Findlay

(NOTE: Anyone member is free to join a working group at any time)


Mal Mason
Bill West
Kevin O'Donohue
Paul Feely
Dan Findlay
Ray Dumesny
Luke Fong
Greg Ord
Bob Shears
Mitch Arrow
Greg Dunmore